You have probably come across Kambo or heard of the traditional ritual used to purify the body. This is one of those tribal medicinal rituals practiced by indigenous cultures in the Amazon; it is now used in the West as a shamanistic “healing” ritual. Experienced practitioners usually do Kambo treatments with the help of Kambo medicine (the secretions of the giant monkey frog (also known as Phyllomedusa bicolor (native to the Amazon basin), Kambo sticks, and water.
These secretions of the giant frogs are not easy to harvest since the giant green monkey frog doesn’t appear in the open during the mornings. You must follow their distinctive call into the depths of the night to capture them. These specimens are considered sacred by the natives, and they do this process gently so as not to anger the spirit of the forest. The frogs’ secretions are carefully collected at the end of sticks, after which the frogs are re-released out in the open. Practitioners then use these collections in the Kambo ceremony with the help of Kambo sticks.
What is a Kambo Stick?
Kambo refers to the ceremony and the substance used during the ceremony. The Kambo ceremony will have a subject exposed to a small dose of the Kambo to induce a “purge” through vomiting and bowel movements. It is a sort of cleansing that aims to heal the mind, body, and soul by getting rid of all the toxins, and it is done with the help of Kambo sticks. These individual sticks are used to form a paste out of the Kambo substance so it can be applied to the subject in the form of tiny dots over the skin.
The Kambo sticks usually come from the tribes in the Amazon Jungle, holding the harvest of the Kambo frog. A Kambo stick is generally made of bamboo or wood and makes around 60 dots. However, you can also find Kambo sticks in different sizes, ranging from small to big. Depending on the size, the number of the points also differ. Every Kambo stick is individually hand-made by indigenous tribes, so the number of points, the thickness of Kambo medicine, and the size differ with every single stick and every batch.
How are Kambo Sticks Used?
Kambo sticks are used in the ceremony to apply the Kambo to the subject. The procedure is a sensitive one, but the right guide will see you through it. To make space for the Kambo to take effect, a practitioner will create tiny burns on the ankle or shoulder (or any part of the body suitable). This wound acts as a gateway for the Kambo to enter the lymphatic system and bloodstream. The blisters formed are then wiped away, and the Kambo stick (now treated with the Kambo secretions) is applied to the raw area.
Note that the minor burns are barely ⅛ inch in diameter and do not cause pain or bleeding. These burns are also methodologically placed on chakras or the energy points running through your body. Soon after, you will experience the intense effects of the Kambo secretions as they race through your body, simulating specific responses.
The Kambo Ceremony
The natives in the Amazon have performed the Kambo ceremony for years to heal and cleanse the body and strengthen themselves. It was also performed by the hunters of the group who were found to have lost their skills as a hunter. It is still being used in modern times among the West to clean out the toxins in the body and treat a wide range of conditions, including addiction, anxiety, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, hepatitis, infections, infertility, cancer, etc., and other vascular conditions.
Scientists have been studying Kambo for years to understand if it contains any healing parts. Studies show that Kambo contains several compounds (peptides) that contract and relax muscles, dilate blood vessels, and stimulate brain cells. So yes, there are limited studies on the biochemical makeup of the Kambo used in the ceremony that proves it can very much be beneficial to the human body.
Here is how the ceremony is performed and what the Kambo experience entails
The first part includes preparing yourself for the ceremony. You may be guided to avoid alcohol and heavily processed foods for a few days before the ceremony and drink at least 1-1.5 liters of water before the ceremony (any more can prove to be harmful, so limit it to 1.5 liters). These steps will make your experience easier.
After you appear for the ceremony, the application of Kambo follows as we described above (creating gates and applying Kambo sticks). Within minutes you will notice the effects of the Kambo medicine setting in. This includes a rise in temperature, sweating, shivers, dizziness, high blood pressure, swelling of your lips, tongue, and cheeks, and a sort of tingling sensation running through your body as the Kambo does its work.
You will then start purging out the impurities in your body (and your mind); this purging is usually in the form of vomiting, defecation, or occasionally both.
The Results
The entirety of the Kambo ceremony can range from 5 – 30 minutes; very rarely do they go past several hours. (Note that these can be done in solitude with your guide or with a group of other individuals). Once your body is purged of the toxins, you are free.
What does this purging do to your body?
Kambo is a sort of holistic treatment that strengthens your immune system and provides you with deep psycho-spiritual benefits. Kambo, or the secretions used in the ceremony, contains a range of biochemical compounds and peptides in its chemical makeup. These compounds tend to react in the body and lead to biological and physiological responses in the body.
- Phyllomedusin, for example, has a strong effect on the digestive system leading to the purging to cleanse your body. Phyllokinin leads to blood vessel dilation, Phyllocarulein increases blood flow, stimulates the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex (which leads to painkilling effects), Adenoregulin leads to focus, mental sharpness and a sort of calming, dermaseptin B2 carries antimicrobial properties and can help combat the spread of tumor growth in cancer. These are some of the few physical benefits of Kambo.
- Kambo also carries a number of spiritual and mental benefits. Participants of the Kambo ceremonies say they experience an increased level of physical insurance; after the ceremony, they are ready to take on the grind and work even harder to achieve their goals.
- Similarly, others say they have increased mental clarity; thinking just becomes easier when you do not have wild and negative thoughts floating around. Reduced stress, a sense of calm, compassion and courage, reduced frustration and anger, heightened senses, and general wellbeing are some other benefits you can gain.
Best Practices for Kambo
The Kambo treatment is not to be taken lightly; you should only do this in the presence of an experienced practitioner. Kambo is, after all, a poisonous substance and is intense once administered.
- We suggest that you pay your doctor a visit before the treatment and have them provide you with updates on your underlying health conditions. (If you are suffering from any acute heart disease or a heart condition, it is recommended that you do not partake in the ceremony). You should also avoid mixing the Kambo treatment with any other treatment in the beginning. This is because the Kambo should never be combined with any other substance you’ve been using.
- Moreover, talk to your practitioner; have them guide you on the process and any preliminary requirements, the associated risks, etc. Your guide will also ask you why you choose to use a Kambo treatment, what underlying memories you are trying to overcome.
- Next, you should never take more than 1.5 liters of water prior to the Kambo ceremony; this is because individuals who drank over 1.5 liters of water and went through a Kambo treatment had potentially life-threatening complications.
- Finally, you should always start with a low dose, particularly if you are experiencing Kambo for the first time. The second treatment should be comparatively better, but it is always better to start with a low dose (Higher doses can lead to more severe effects).

Where To Source High-Quality Kambo Sticks?
Sourcing authentic Kambo equipment can be difficult; it is almost as difficult as finding an experienced practitioner with a positive record of Kambo treatments. It helps to look for a source that understands the dynamics of the procedure, the requirements of the substance, and equipment. Most importantly, they must respect the Kambo treatment to its full extent.
If you are looking for a reliable source of Kambo sticks, check out The Kambo Shop. We are a trusted, experienced practitioner of the art of Kambo cleansing and put the same admiration for the ceremony into their work, providing you with quality Kambo treatment products such as Kambo sticks.