Have you ever come across Rapé? The tribes of the Amazon basin have used the sacred shamanic medicine for thousands of years. It is a core part of their tribal culture and history and is regarded as a tool for healing and spiritual exploration.
This is usually administered with the help of a Tepi, but most people are now looking for ways to self-administer Rapé. The Kuripe pipe does precisely that. Read on to learn more about the Kuripe pipe and why it is becoming increasingly popular among the modern shamans in the west.
What is Rapé?
To learn about the Kuripe, we must first delve into the history of Rapé. Rapé is a sacred shamanic herb-based medicine in the form of a powder. This is usually made using a rich blend of plant roots, bark, seeds, leaves, and tobacco. The plants are dried and ground, filtered, sieved, and ground again until you are left with a fine, potent mixture. This powder form is then stored in bottles for use, usually glass bottles with screws on top or plastic bottles (now used by Amazonian tribes).
This entire process is usually done by an experienced shaman or the pajé of the tribe, who knows the medicinal plants needed for the blend. He must also know which specific part of the plant is to be used; the root could have a different purpose than the leaves or seeds of the same plant.
Only until recently have the tribes started to share this sacred medicine with foreigners and outsiders of the tribe, to non-indigenous people. However, the blend compositions at their heart remain a secret to the local tribes.
What is A Kuripe?
Now that you know what Rapé is, let’s discuss what a Kuripe is. As the popularity of this traditional medicine increases outside the confines of The Amazon, people are searching for ways to administer Rapé on their own.
Traditionally, Rape is administered with the help of a Tepi. A Tepi is in the form of a long blowpipe with two ends and requires one person to blow the snuff from one end into the nostrils of the receiver at the other end. Usually, a hierarchical senior in the Amazonian tribes would administer the Rapé through a Tepi. Modern-day Rapé practitioners wish to use the medicine solo rather than with the help of an administrator. This is because Rapé is sacred medicine, requiring the right like-mind and energy; if you do not have someone with you to share this experience, you can have a ceremony on your own. This is possible via a Kuripe.

Kuripe for Self-Administering Rapé
A Kuripe is a small handheld pipe used to self-administer Rapé. This pipe consists of two hollow tubes joined to one another at a 30-50 degree angle. One of these pieces (usually shorter) is to be placed in the mouth while the other is inserted into the nostril. You can then blow the Rapé into your nostril. Kuripes are now designed, adorned with unique styles, and attached with a string worn around the neck.
To correctly experience Rapé, you need to choose the right Kuripe. There aren’t any one-size-fits-all types. You simply have to go around and test them out first-hand as best as possible to find the right fit.
Types of Kuripe for Rapé Administration
Experiencing Rapé on your own can be a powerful experience, leaving you centered emotionally and spiritually. It gives you a sense of clarity like no other. Kuripes come in many shapes and sizes, but we can distinguish them far more clearly on the type of material they are crafted out of.
Bamboo Kuripes
These Kuripes are crafted out of bamboo, making them incredibly lightweight and usually the cheapest type on the market. You will find that bamboo is the most common material used for crafting Kuripes since it is widely available and easier to carve. If you are a beginner starting out, getting a bamboo kuripe might be the best choice.
However, bamboo Kuripes are more challenging to clean and take care of. They can get moldy if you keep them in humid environments.
Stone Kuripes
The next type is the stone kuripe. These are better suited to more experienced individuals who have spent quite some time with other types of Kuripes and are looking for an upgrade. Stone Kuripes are often carved from marble or exquisite serpentine stone. Some prefer the serpentine stone since it is known to regulate mood swings, correct imbalances, and provide direct healing.
Stone Kuripes are also comparatively easier to clean since they are more resistant to moisture absorption and won’t get moldy like bamboo or wood Kuripes.
Metal Kuripes
The third time is the metal kuripe. Metal Kuripes are incredibly long-lasting and durable, easy to clean and disinfect without the fear of mold growth. You can find all sorts of metal Kuripes, such as those made from copper. They are further decorated in various colors, intricate patterns, and beading.
Wooden Kuripes
The final type is the wooden Kuripe. These are some of the classic types, carved from mahogany, palo santo, or even coconut wood; all types of hardwoods are perfect for creating kuripes. Some woods are chosen specifically for their healing energies; others are easier to work with. Regardless, wooden Kuripes are a classic, elegant type for anyone looking to administer Rapé. They are, however, a lot rarer and more expensive since they require much more work to be produced, usually carved by hand out of a piece of wood.
How to Use a Kuripe for Self-Administration?
Administering Rapé is meant to be a healing experience; it is sacred and requires its own environment. Therefore, many people may prefer to self-administer Rapé through Kuripes than partaking in a ceremonial administration in the form of a group.
- Like any spiritual exercise, you must first create an ideal setting that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the healing effects of Rapé with no unwanted distraction nearby. For this, you can go to a space where you can relax and prepare.
- Before administering yourself, think about why you are taking Rapé and what you hope to understand through this? What thoughts race through you that you hope you will find the answers to.
- Next, measure out the dosage you will be taking. As a beginner, it is recommended that you take no more than 0.25 grams of Rapé. Higher doses can lead to purging and make you feel nauseous for hours.
- Take your measured amount into your hands and flatten any large clumps. Pour the powder into the Kuripe’s nose tip (this end will be the longer one).
- Now, place the mouth end of the kuripe in your mouth. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and gently blow the kuripe, so Rapé is pushed into your nasal canal.
- Once you are done with one nostril, do the same with the next, so you experience a balance between both.
To have a safe experience that is truly healing, it is advisable to take a minute between each administration. Keep some water near you and some tissues for blowing your nose since your sinuses may start to clear themselves out. You should also wait at least an hour before and after your administration to eat as you can have a purging experience.
How to Clean Your Kuripe?
Getting your own Kuripe can be an exciting experience, but you also want to make sure you keep your Kuripe in good condition. With frequent usage of the Kuripe to administer Rapé, there may be a slow build-up of the powder on the inside, which can harden over time. This built-up powder can combine with moisture in the air to promote mold growth and become a breeding ground for bacteria.
Cleaning your Kuripe means both the interior and exterior. You can start with the exterior since it is comparatively easier and simpler to clean. The exterior simply needs to be wiped down by baby wipes or damp tissue paper.
As for the internal side, you may use counter buds to polish the interior of your pipe. For best results, slightly moisten the tip with water and then start cleaning. You can also sterilize the tips by quickly passing them over a low flame (such as a candle), careful not to burn them. You will also find plenty of cleaning brushes available online that you can use to clean out your Kuripe tube.

Get Your Hands on the Best Kuripes in Town
If you are looking for a high-quality Kuripe to have your very own and intimate Hape ceremony, Visit The Kambo Shop now, where you can choose from a variety of Kuripes. If you are looking for a wooden Kuripe, a Kuripe with bone, string, or beads; we have it all. You can also get your hands on a variety of Tepis.